Paradise Lost

Large Print
(464 Pages)
Product Number: LP3090
Released: 01 Dec, 2013
Business Term: Purchase
ISBN: #9781471247163
Publisher: W F Howes
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In Paradise Lost Milton tells the familiar biblical story of Adam and Eve, the serpent and the apple and the fall from paradise. Yet, through its epic reach Milton’s poem becomes more than a simplistic re-telling of a well-known story. Centreing the narrative on the exiled Satan, and the all-too-human Adam and Eve, produced a poem focused on the human rather than the divine. Paradise Lost was instantly hailed as a classic, and has influenced every work of English Literature that followed it.

Author(s): John Milton
Genre: Classics, Poetry
Original Publish Date: 01 Dec, 2013

All Formats/Editions

Author(s): John Milton
Narrator(s): Anton Lesser
Genre: Poetry, Classics
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Released: 01 May, 2011
Business Term: Purchase
Publisher: W F Howes
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Author(s): John Milton
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Released: 01 Aug, 2018
Business Term: Purchase
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Professional reviews

"Paradise Lost is John Milton's celebrated epic poem exploring creation, the temptation of man and his fall In Paradise Lost Milton tells the familiar biblical story of Adam and Eve, the serpent ‘Milton represents the English imagination at its most organised, disciplined and sublime’ GUARDIAN ‘Offers an intensely filmic description of the events that countless artists have sought to visualise’ THE TIMES"

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