A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter

Large Print
(288 Pages)
Product Number: LP5017
Released: 01 Aug, 2020
Business Term: Purchase
ISBN: #9781004011506
Publisher: W F Howes
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Warm and heartfelt stories and amusing anecdotes from the life of a vet in God's Own County. Julian Norton has been a vet for over twenty years, and in that time he has treated animals of every kind - snakes and lizards, fish and fowl, sheep, goats, alpacas, cows, horses, swans . you name it, Julian has seen it and, most likely, made it better! In A Yorkshire Vet Through the Seasons, Julian recounts more inspirational tales from his life, the animals he has treated and the people he has met, as well as taking us through the seasons, showing the challenges and surprises that occur at the most unlikely times. His voice, well known from the television series A Yorkshire Vet on Channel 5, comes over loud and clear in his writing, and the compassion and professionalism he is known for on the TV shines brightly through these pages. Whether he's tending to a domestic pet at his practice in Thirsk or called out to an injured swan in the middle of a cold Yorkshire night, the animals always come first and Julian's passion and commitment are always to the fore. Full of drama, small triumphs, sadness and happiness, this book is an inspiration for anyone who loves animals as well as those who dream of becoming a vet.

Author(s): Julian Norton
Original Publish Date: 01 Aug, 2020

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